Decide Now
Your child is going to bring a lot of questions your way. They are also going to make choices that you may or may not agree with. Decide now how you want to react, discipline (if necessary) and teach them moving forward. Some choices may trigger fear, frustration, confusion and anger for you. Decide now if that will be useful for the parenting you want to do. How will you get to a place where you can teach and guide them with a genuine love for them?
How will you react when your child:
- Has difficulty with friends?
- Can’t stop pestering their siblings?
- Doesn’t want to go to school?
- Deals with a bully?
- Is the bully?
- Has questions about their faith?
- Drinks alcohol?
- Is curious about vaping?
- Questions their gender identity?
- Has a new love interest?
- Struggles with their mental health?
- Is not honest with you?
As your coach I can not give you the answers. Only you will know what is right for your child. As your coach it is my responsibility to bring an awareness to your thoughts and how they are directly impacting the relationship you have with your child.
Need a little help? Message me for a free consult. Your child needs YOU.