Ep. 77 The Power of Gratitude
I'm Lacey Jones with Elevate the Individual. Episode 77 the Power of Gratitude alright, I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I hope you took a quick minute to think about the things that you're grateful for, right? You go around the table, maybe you do, maybe you don't, and ask what are you grateful for? And if you didn't have the opportunity to do that, well, then take time to do it. There is power in that practice. And I want you to look at your future goals as we lead into this next year. Right? It's almost 2024 and it's maybe time to reflect on where the past has taken you. What has this year brought? And as you move forward, what do you want to do? What are your new goals? And as you look at your goals, I want you to ask yourself, are your goals motivated by lack? Or are they motivated by abundance? Now, one of my favorite mentors is Brooke Castillo. And she has said that ambition fueled by abundance is what moves us forward as a species. It's the trait that finds cures for disease, answers to poverty, technological advances, and solutions to our most pressing problems. But even when we have abundant goals, we still have to overcome human mind drama, right? We all have these beautiful, glorious brains. We have to overcome all that exaggeration in our fears. And what ifs that pop into our head once we've set a goal? Mind drama can really get in the way of accessing our true abundance. So one way to beat that is by tapping back into gratitude. You can do this by visualizing your future after having accomplished your new goals. And then you allow yourself to feel grateful for your future self and the results you've created. Now, let's test this out a little bit. I want you to think about a goal that you truly desire, like one that you just seriously want. Now visualize yourself in the future having already obtained that goal. Allow yourself to feel that gratitude ahead of time for what you've accomplished. And take time to write it down. Write down what it looks like and how it feels to you. Go to the land of make believe. This is such a beautiful, powerful practice. As you do this, there may be some things that come up for you and that might get in the way of you feeling grateful ahead of time. So notice those pieces as well. We're not just looking for the sunshine and rainbows. You've heard me say that a million times, right? Sunshine, rainbows, beautiful things. But clouds and rain are also beautiful and necessary. So look for those things that might be getting in your way. And then I want you to reframe those thoughts. Last week, we talked about scarcity and abundance and taking those scarcity thoughts and flipping them to more abundant thoughts. Try it. Find what's getting in your way of feeling gratitude. See if a quick switch to a more abundant mindset with those thoughts, see what happens, if that's useful. Now, let's get back to that gratitude. What can you do to continue to feel grateful ahead of time? As you work towards your future goals, maybe think of three things that you can do. Write them down this time. As we move from 2023 to 2024, we are going to do some reflection and we're going to do some planning ahead as we move forward. So take time to do it. Work it into your day. Maybe it's just as you get ready in the morning. But I promise you, as you review and look forward and move forward with gratitude, you will create the life that you want. Thank you and good luck. We'll see you next week.