Judging Others

Here’s the thing about judging other people….we often exhibit the very same characteristics we denounce in others when we allow ourselves to divulge in criticism.
For example……..
Road rage. One driver takes an aggressive action, the other driver can’t believe it, thinks the other driver is terrible and asserts their contempt in an aggressive action towards the other driver. The cycle continues until both drivers have created an extremely unsafe scenario for themselves and those around them. Both acting as terrible drivers.
Example B: One woman hears another woman make a negative remark about someone else. She thinks this woman is so critical of others. She is flabbergasted and starts talking to her other friend about what this woman said. She has come full circle and is now a woman who is critical of others, the exact same thing she denounced in the other woman.
So why is this important?? In today’s society we are seeing so much contention and quarreling among people, friends and family members. And many wonder how to make it stop. Well friends, it starts on the individual level, with us. We can be the change we want to see by choosing to drop the judgement. By choosing to give others the benefit of the doubt. By reframing our defensiveness into curiosity and seeking to better understand where the other person is coming from.


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