Ep. 75 Move Forward with Abundance
I'm Lacey Jones with Elevate the Individual. Episode 75 move Forward with Abundance our developing the ability to want what you already have is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself. When you consciously view your life from a state of gratitude, you're going to continue to attract all that you want. And shifting to this deliberate thought process, one that creates a sense of gratitude, may not be easy. In this chapter of your life, you may be experiencing circumstances that you never imagined you would face. But I promise you that when you work to see the blessings within the challenging circumstances, your burdens will be lifted.
You're going to feel this new love, and you will find hope. It's hope for the future that you want and hope for the future that you will create. And I know it because I've done it. I'm doing it now. And I walk beside other women and mothers as they create the life they want. An abundant mindset means trusting that there are plenty of resources available to you. There's plenty of time, plenty of help, plenty of opportunities. And abundance is linked to feelings of gratitude, contentment, generosity, and ambition. But on the other hand, a scarcity mindset is the belief that there's just not enough to go around. You don't have enough time to do what needs to be done. You don't have enough help, and there are not enough opportunities available to you. Well, scarcity can bring up feelings of fear, comparison, pride, and apathy. Those feelings will not move you forward.
So I want to take an example from this month's issue of Raising Confident Mothers to illustrate this, and it's also a little bit from the interview that we did with Lizzie, who's a cake baker in Boston. We'll use the Ctfar model and we'll go through the circumstances and thoughts and feelings and actions and results to see how abundant thoughts can play into all of that versus how scarcity thoughts play into that.
So I may be talking about Lizzie and a comment that she made in the interview, but I want you to adjust this and apply it to a situation in your life. So in the magazine and in the podcast, let's start with the scarcity mindset. This is more of an unintentional thought process and model. This is what just naturally comes up as we're human. Then we'll move to the intentional model, and that's where we use coaching principles to move us to a more intentional process to get a result that we want. This is how we move forward, how we create and hit our goals. So scarcity mindset, if we take the circumstance that Lizzie's a cake baker in Boston, very factual. She lives in Boston and she bakes cakes. All right, so there's one thought that Lizzie mentioned that very naturally came up. She had said something along the lines of, this market is too saturated. There's not enough customers. Well, this brought up feelings of fear and scarcity, which led to time spent comparing and very little time working and creating within her zone.
As a result, if you don't spend time working, the business doesn't grow. And if the business doesn't grow, then she's not able to compete with other businesses. So that's just a very quick little blip of an example of scarcity. You don't have to spend a lot of time there to realize, hey, this isn't going to work. So if we move to a more intentional model and we apply abundance to the thought process, this is where Lizzie wants to live. If you listen to her conversation, this is where she lives. So again, the circumstance lizzie's a cake baker in Boston.
When she applies this thought process, that there's plenty of work to go around, this generates confidence within her and this sense of abundance. She can then focus on her gifts, what she brings to the table, her talents, and she can help support the other bakers in her area if she hones in on the side. Yeah, there's plenty of work to go around. There's plenty of work for all of us. She then attracts plenty of work for herself and her network of baker friends. So it's not just all about her. She's able to serve her community. When she empowers herself with this abundant mindset, there is plenty of work to go around. She gets to work developing, creating, and building, and she generates more work for herself, more customers, more opportunities, and she can serve her fellow bakers. So it's just so beautiful to see. When we apply this abundant mindset, we create more of what we want.
It's cyclical. You may have noticed that the thoughts based on scarcity drive negative emotions, which lead to unhelpful actions and results. Well, on the other hand, thoughts that stem from abundance fill you with positive emotions and drive positive actions and results. So I want to just test this out just a little bit. You know how I like my worksheets and my questions. I want you to think about this. A couple of questions. What scarcity related thoughts do you have now? They could be related to topics of money, time, opportunity, talents, and more.
What are you worried that there's not enough of? And how do these thoughts make you feel when you think them? I want you to flip these thoughts and I want you to reverse them and put them into a more abundant point of view. If you're thinking there's not enough time in your day to get everything done, let's just very easily switch that and say, there is enough time in my day to get the things done that I want to do. How do those new thoughts make you feel? And another question, is it as easy as just flipping those thoughts sometimes? Yes. But we're still going to be careful and work with those thoughts so that we're not just, hey, I just need to think happy thoughts in my life will be better. But we can try them on to find the genuineness within them. You can reach out to me if you need help with that process.
That's really what I'm here for, and I dig it. I love coaching people from one thought that isn't serving them to a more productive, abundant thought. Sometimes it's a simple process, sometimes it takes time. But through the one to one coaching, I can really hone that in and tailor a process to you. So please go to the website, schedule your discovery, call it's free. If you have questions, let's dive in. But I hope that you take the time to just ponder on, wait a minute. Where are my scarcity thoughts? What am I clinging to here? And is there anything within that that I can flip and move to a more abundant mindset? Start applying that curiosity and see where it takes you. Thank you, friends. We'll see you next week.