Moving Forward
It’s time to talk about moving forward. Yesterday, we identified some things you wanted to keep the same and some things you want to change as you move into the new year. Whether or not you are successful with maintaining the changes and relationships you want in your life will be determined by your ability to believe in yourself. Your self confidence will decide your results this year. Have you ever considered that? Some people think they can just ‘will’ things into existence, that if they work hard enough, things will just happen. Maybe so, but for true lasting change, you will need some sort of belief in yourself.
So let’s take a look at that.
As we move forward, you will develop some sort of protocol to follow that will lead to your goal.
Maybe you want to strengthen your relationship with your teenage son. In order to do that, you might make a list of things to do with your son that he enjoys. You might decide to change how you speak with your son when he makes choices that contradict what you have taught him. You might also decide how to involve other family members as you seek support with these changes. You will make a plan. But you will not always follow that plan.
Because guess what? You are human!
You will make mistakes this year.
2022 will not be a year of perfection.
(Spoiler alert, 2023 won’t be either…sorry friends.)
2022 will continue to be a year of personal choices as you seek to follow a new protocol. The story you tell yourself as you break protocol will ultimately determine your success in following that protocol.
Say you decide to change the tone of voice you use when asking your son to unload the dishwasher. Well, there just might be a day when your velociraptor voice comes out as you ask your son to unload the dang dishes for the 39th time to no avail.
Now what? What will you make that mean?
Will you punish yourself and seek a hole of shame for yelling at your child?
Or, will you take a moment to collect yourself and evaluate what happened?
What triggered the velociraptor? What were you doing right before she showed up? What were you thinking in that moment?
Do you have your back for being human?
Do you believe you can still make lasting change while not being perfect?
Need a little help? It might be time to jump on the waitlist for my ‘Confident Mothering On-the-Go’ course.