Social Media and Your Child

Social media and your child…Do you ever wonder what’s right for your kid when it comes to social media? How much time should they spend on their screens? Which apps should they have and which ones should they avoid?
Do you feel confused as you try to find the right balance? Do you read article after article about the harmful effects of social media and then continue to watch as your child becomes glued to their screen?
Well guess what? The more time you spend wondering and agonizing over what’s right or enough, the more confused and uncertain you will be.
So time to take a stand.
How much time would you like your child to spend on social media? Which apps do you want them to use and which ones do you want them to avoid? If you are wondering, make a decision and move forward. You will know what works and what doesn’t work with each conscious choice you make. Have your own back throughout the process and you will fine tune the balance.




Feel the Emotion