Ep. 46 The Journey to Publication: Launching My New Magazine
I'm Lacey Jones with Elevate the Individual. Episode 46 The Journey to Publication: Launching My New Magazine. It has been a little over a year since I decided to do this whole coaching thing full time. And this past year has been an amazing adventure. And creating the business that facilitates the coaching. I love coaching, and I love the powerful way that it can transform those who take advantage of it. And I believe that more people, especially mothers, should take advantage of it as we navigate today's world while raising our families and helping to shape our communities.
But in order to help as many.
Mothers and families and communities as I want to help, I have to have a vehicle to get the coaching to the people. And if we consider that vehicle to be the business side of my coaching practice, that vehicle isn't something that I can just go online and purchase, and it's not something that I can just copy and paste and then create from someone else's business model. Other business models might provide ideas and inspiration, but my business model has to be authentic to who I am. It has to draw upon my strengths. Otherwise it will not travel the way I want it to. And it will require this extra energy.
To maintain that's energy that could have.
Been dedicated to the creation of necessary coaching tools and resources and experiences. So my business vehicle is something that I've been creating from scratch this past year. And before I could even start building that vehicle, I had to first build the manufacturing plant where all the building and creating could take place. And once that structure was in place, I was able to start building my business vehicle with my very limited vehicle and business building knowledge and experience. And as I dove into building my coaching practice, I knew the basic pieces.
That I needed and some that I even wanted. But it didn't have that holy grail.
Of an instruction manual that would provide the exact steps. So I had to seek inspiration and guidance and knowledge, and I had to study and pray and rely on my faith as I move forward step by step. And that has been a beautifully messy process in and of itself. Several weeks ago, I was having a rough time falling asleep. The wheels and gears in my brain were just turning with all kinds of business ideas, but everything was just really.
Jumbled until that moment when it wasn't.
And it became incredibly clear as to how I need to assemble the different pieces of my business vehicle and the.
Order in which they need to be assembled. So in that moment, I realized I.
Have a line of different buckets within my business. And this podcast is one of the first ones. My mentoring sessions, those one on one coaching calls and my group coaching events and my corporate coaching opportunities, those are all buckets within the business. But the one missing bucket that I.
Needed to create was the magazine bucket.
And this was an entirely new bucket, but it encompassed several ideas that I'd been mulling over and hadn't quite figured out how to fit within my business. But now it was clear. This was incredibly exciting for many reasons. I have been filling a pull to create more art, and I've been taking.
Small steps to explore different art forms.
Well, physically designing and creating a magazine is just like creating a piece of artwork, and it draws on all sorts of talents and knowledge that I've gained throughout my whole life. It draws on talents I developed while in high school nearly 25 years ago, but it also presents an artistic challenge that will push me to grow and develop in new ways. And so, with this new inspiration, I jotted everything down on a random piece of paper, and I promptly fell asleep.
With excitement for what the future holds. And that next day, as I created.
And laminated a visual for each of my buckets and filled in all the bits and pieces that go inside each.
One, I felt this sense of calm.
Just come over me, as suddenly there.
Was a place for everything, and everything.
Was now in its place. My ideas were finally on paper in a way that made sense, which allowed.
Me to free up the mental space.
Necessary to brainstorm, design, create, publish, market, and sell my newly envisioned magazine.
It was a beautiful experience, and that.
Beautiful experience is what kept me at my computer when I opened up my design program and stared at a completely blank magazine page, wondering how in the world I would fill up enough pages to even create something worth publishing and sharing. I was soon reminded of my first grade friends who have been writing stories all year. Before they can publish their final piece, they have to start with a prewrite, and they have to get all their ideas on paper. Then they organize those ideas into an order that makes sense, and they dig a little deeper as they develop characters and they expand their plotlines, they consider the message they want to share and the illustrations they want to include. They end up creating multiple rough drafts and seek input and edits from peers before publishing their final piece. So I channeled my inner six year old self, and I started putting ideas on paper as I considered the coaching tools and messages that I wanted to share that would have the most impact for my readers. I developed infographics to teach certain ideas and concepts in more understandable and visually pleasing ways. I interviewed other women who've inspired me to be better, and I started writing down their stories. I agonized over which details to share and which ones to omit while honoring their life experiences and their opinions. And then I asked a dear friend to edit my drafts, and I valued her input when she challenged me to be more bold. Then I tweaked fonts and colors and placements and design until I finally called.
It and I allowed myself to publish something that technically probably isn't perfect, but.
It was surely created from a place of love and a genuine desire to help other women as they travel this path of motherhood and personal growth. The true essence of the coaching that.
I do well that magazine, titled Raising.
Confident Mothers, launches bright and early tomorrow morning.
If you are listening to this episode.
When it posts and with the inaugural issue, we focus on balancing home and.
Work life while preventing emotional burnout for mothers.
It lays the foundation of the coaching tools that I use, and it opens the door as we move forward, strengthening each other, our families and our communities. I highly recommend you subscribe for the year, and as a gift for those who do. I have programmed this insanely large discount into the yearly subscription. And that discount is going to continue until the morning of Monday, June 5, when I sit down at my desk to work on the upcoming issues. At that time, the discount will decrease from insanely large to a more moderate discount. So please take advantage of that insanely large discount while you can and share it with your friends and your family, maybe teachers, anyone you think that could benefit from it. You can preview the magazine and subscribe by going to laceyjonescoaching.com or by clicking the link in the show notes. And as always, please message me through the website if you have any questions. And thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I'll see you next week.