Ep. 48 I Could Never Do That and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

I'm Lacey Jones with Elevate the Individual. Episode 48 I Could Never Do that and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves. We have reached that fabulously, wonderful time of year where the calendar is full of end of year band and choir concerts, art walks, carnivals, field trips, celebrations, moving up parties, graduations and closing of chapters. And in our family's world, we are simultaneously walking into summer sports tournaments, church activities, holiday getaways, family camping trips, family reunions, and more time outdoors. This time of year causes me to reflect on all of the things we have accomplished this past school year, inside and outside of the classroom. As you may know, I started subbing within the schools this year. And it has been a wonderful experience for me. One that makes me smile when I think how just last summer, if you had told me I would be subbing in our schools this year, I would have flat out told you, oh, boy, I could never do that. No way in the world would I have imagined myself in many of the situations I was in this past school year. But what changed? How did I go from no way I could never do that to I can do this, I am doing this. I actually enjoy doing this, and I serve a purpose by doing this. First, I want you to know that the statement I could never do that is a complete lie that we tell ourselves to keep ourselves safe within the confines of our comfort zone. I've heard it many times before, especially when people find out how many children I have and that they're all boys. Five boys. Oh, I can never do that. And I usually respond with, well, what's the other option? It's not like I'm going to be given these five boys and not do it. That's not who I am. And I venture to believe it's not who any of you would be in that situation. I would bet that when given things outside of your comfort zone, each of you would find a way to make things work. Maybe not work perfectly, maybe not even beautifully, but you would find a way to make that attempt to come up with some sort of result, some sort of piece you could present. And through it you would experience the full range of human emotions available to each of us. It might be soul stretching and heartbreaking at the same time, but it might also be a form of personal growth and expansion that you never knew you needed. Expansion is a process that leads to beautiful growth and outcomes. It comes with struggles, doubts, failures and pain. But it also comes with triumphs, connections, achievements, learning and joy. Expansion leads us to share our gifts and our light with others. And through serving others, we continue to grow in love. So my challenge to you is short and sweet. This week I want you to listen for the ways in which you are buying into your lies this week. How are you holding yourself back? How are you limiting your growth? In what ways are you telling yourself that you could never do that thing? Listen for the ways and then question them. Challenge them. Push back on them and don't buy into them. Open your world to growth and expansion as you dive into your next chapter. You you are not alone. You know this. I am here to walk you through it. Please schedule your free call and let's open your next door. Love you friends. Take care.


Ep. 49 Comparison is the Thief of Joy


Ep. 47 Are You Thriving or Surviving?