QOTD Series: Day 6 Eating Your Emotions

I'm Lacey Jones with Elevate the Individual. And this is day six of our Question of the Day series. It is Monday. Love it or hate it, monday sometimes comes with emotion as we all have different thoughts about Mondays. And today we'll be discussing what happens when we don't want to feel certain emotions and we choose instead to indulge in some sort of action to avoid feeling and processing those emotions. So I want you to think about the last time someone did something and you were left feeling sad or disappointed, angry or frustrated. Did you actually allow yourself to feel those emotions, or did you reach for the haagendas and attempt to eat your emotions? When we take certain actions to avoid feeling our emotions, this is called buffering. Sometimes it's easy to spot, but other times it takes a little digging to see what's really going on below the surface. So I want you to ask yourself this series of questions to determine what's really going on. And in order to complete this exercise, I want you to think of a recent time when you felt frustrated, sad or disappointed. What was going on? What were the circumstances? Did someone say something? Did someone do something? Why do you think you were frustrated, sad, or disappointed? What did you do with that emotion? Did you process it? Do you know what it means to process emotion? Did you sit with it and watch it move through you? Did you allow it to be? Or did you quickly reach for your phone or a snack out of the cupboard and spend endless time scrolling? Or just snacking, not realizing what was going on? Do you mindlessly? Scroll for hours on end. Once you identify the actions you took, I want you to take a look at why you think you did that. What were you trying to avoid? Were you avoiding another person? A situation? An emotion? I want you to grab a pen and paper and I want you to write out your thoughts. What's coming up for you? Are you surprised by what's coming up? Or is it the same old story that comes up each time this happens? Or are you completely lost at this point? It's totally okay if you are. You are human, and this is new work. So take some time to reflect on that situation and try to see what actions you took the moment you realized you were feeling an emotion you didn't want to feel, slow the situation and the response down. Drop the judgment and just approach it with curiosity. When we're trying to get to the root of things, judgment will get us nowhere. So remember, if you need to slow down the questions that I've rattled off, go back and listen again. Push pause between the questions and ponder on what's coming up. And don't forget, our Confident Mom Circle meets this week. It's on Thursday night at 07:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Or you can meet with us 10:00 a.m. Pacific time on Friday morning. So be sure to register through the website. That's helpful for me to know who's coming and how I can prepare. And you can go to raisingconfidentmothers.com and then click the circle for more information. I want you to bring your questions and let's do this work. Take care, friends. I'll see you tomorrow.


QOTD Series: Day 7 How do you view obstacles?


QOTD Series: Day 5 The Journey of Your Faith